Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer
(men get it too)
Breast Cancer is a disease associated with women, but men get it too. Because male breast cancer is rare, each year about 2,000 cases of male breast cancer (1% of all cases) are diagnosed in the United States, resulting in fewer than 500 deaths, according to the National Cancer Institute ( Although breast cancer can strike at any age, the disease is usually diagnosed in men ages 60-70, which make some men, think they are not at risk. When a woman feels a breast lump immediately she assumed the worst. Most men with breast cancer have painless lumps they can feel. The lumps can develop on the breast but often found underneath the nipple and areola right in the center. Because men don’t have regular mammograms, their breast cancer is usually discovered through other injuries. Men and women share some similar risk factors which are high levels of estrogen exposure and family. If there is any family member (mother, sister, father, brother, etc) that has breast cancer, can put the men at risk. Just like women need progesterone to combat estrogen, men need testosterone to combat estrogen. Excessive estrogen can place some men at risk for breast cancer. Breast Cancer Treatment options are the same for both women and men: Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone drug therapy are most often used. “Men who are experiencing low testosterone, or “low T,” often have elevated levels of the hormone estrogen. One potential way to remedy this excess estrogen is to try an estrogen-blocking diet, which can be a natural complement to low T medications”, (according to the Journal of Medicinal Food)
Whole Grains
Unrefined grains aren’t broken down like processed ones. They maintain all of their parts: endosperm, bran, and germ. Like seeds, whole grains contain anti-estrogen polyphenols. The following whole grains can be eaten in a variety of forms, including breads, pasta, and cereals: Wheat, oats, rye, corn, brown rice, millet, barley.
Cruciferous Vegetables
One of the best ways to block estrogen is by eating cruciferous vegetables. This type of food has a high level of phytochemicals and works to block estrogen production. Cruciferous vegetables include: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, kale, collard greens, turnips, rutabagas.
Mushrooms such as shiitake, portobello, crimini, and baby button work to block estrogen in the body. Raw mushrooms can be a great addition to salads. They can also be sautéed with onions and other foods for flavoring. Organic mushrooms are a good choice because they’re pesticide-free.
Certain types of seeds such as flax, chia and sesame, contain something called polyphenols. Polyphenols are found in plants and reduce estrogen levels in the bloodstream. They can be added to all sorts of cooking and baking recipes and are especially easy to add to fruit smoothies.
Red Grapes
Another estrogen-blocking food is red grapes. Their skins contain a chemical called resveratrol and their seeds contain a chemical called proanthocyanidin. Both of these chemicals work to block estrogen production. As with any other fruit or vegetable, organic is a good way to go.
Mixed Berries (raspberries, black berries, blue berries, strawberries, etc)
Mixed berries are high in fiber and phytochemicals. Mixed berries are becoming more widely known for their estrogen-blocking properties as well as their antioxidant virtues. Organic is the best way to go when you eat berries, they are known as the dirty dozen.
Green Tea
Already known for its healthful properties, green tea is also a great source for phytochemicals. Harvard Health Publications cites green tea as reducing estrogen while aiding in other areas, including cancer prevention. Green tea can be combined with flavorings such as mint, lemon, ginseng, and ginger for added taste and nutrients. It’s refreshing both hot and cold.
Talk to Your Doctor
Inform your health care provider of any changes in your breast and let them know of any family history of men or women in your family with breast cancer.
Give the above diet ideas a try, and use those foods to naturally block estrogen production. If your goal is to treat low T, reduce your estrogen levels, which may put you at risk for breast and prostate cancer, this diet can be helpful and preventive. Talk to your doctor about any dietary changes you may decide to make. They can provide guidance and prescribe any necessary medications.
Genise Brim, Body-Restored